What is “home”? This word is charged with underlying meaning and implications. The images in Home span anywhere from the feeling of home, domesticity, the quotidian, the relationship between place and space, people and memories.
Featured Photographers: Phillipa Bloom, Jennie Castle, Elisabetta Cociani, Ginger Cook, Deanna Dikeman, Carissa Dorson , Luar Klinghofer Bar Dov, Amber Eckersley, Kristen Emack, Sara Fahling, Sarah Fields, Jezabeth Gonzalez, Leah Gose, Jamie Ho, Frances Jakubek, Karolina Kase, Epiphany Knedler, Parvathi Kumar, Sara Mcingvale, Kristen McNevins, Sarah Malakoff, Jennifer Mawson, Cristina Rivera, Erika Roa, Karina Rocco, Jesse Shamon, Kaitlyn Jo Smith, Shannon Smith, Morgan Stephenson, Sammy Sweeney, Fiona Szende, Amy Thompson Avishai , Mallory Trecaso, Charlotte Woolf